Saturday, November 20, 2010

Spa 5k, Pinnacle Mountain & The Big Dam Bridge !!

I survived!!  LOL  After looking at my BodyMedia stats tonight and seeing that my total steps for today totalled just under NINETEEN THOUSAND, I saw that I truly did push myself as hard as I thought I did.  So, let me back up and fill you in...

If you read my last post, you know that I'm preparing to walk a marathon in April 2011.  Geez, just saying that scares me!  Well, this weekend, I drove up to Hot Springs, AR for the Spa 5K marathon with my friend Sean Symons aka "Shawn Fitness" .  He and his lovely lady Robbie allowed my daughter and I to stay at their home and we all went out to walk the 5K in a very brisk 48 degrees at 8am this morning. 

After that, he took us over to the Promonade there in downtown Hot Springs.  I took some AMAZING pictures!!  We got to drink from fountains with warm water coming directly from the springs.  TOO COOL!!!  :-) 

After that, we went to Pinnacle Mountain State Park and walked a short 1/2 mile on a trail called Kingfisher Trail.  THEN we went over to the Big Dam Bridge...and YES it was!! 

All in all, I logged in over 9 miles today!!  I know for some of you that may not be a lot, but for me it IS!!!  Not only is it a LOT of walking, my joints were screaming at me before the day was ever finished.  I was in an extreme amount of pain walking the bridge, but I didn't want to quit!  I started hearing my favorite fitness instructor Chalene Johnson in my head..."You're not tired!!  Mooooove!!"  So, I began to chant that over and over in my head as I walked up the incline for the first half of the bridge...and guess what?  I made it!!  LOL Part of me is still wondering what in the world am I thinking by committing to walk a marathon in 5 1/2 months, but if I DON'T set a goal then I'm GUARANTEED to fail! 

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